So, this is like the second or third time I've done the Newgrounds thing over the years. First time, I think I had an account when I was a kid; second time was for a failed music project. Now, here I am once again, ready to rock this town!
So, what do I do? I make electronic music under many names! Directly inspired by legacy alias-based producers like Naoki Maeda, Kyle Ward and Emma Essex of Lapfox (well, and Halley Labs), I produce different genres and tones. Generally speaking, you'll mostly know what you're getting into with any specific name: MegaZ produces Genesis-infused rebellious music, Hellsgate is angry and dark, Thirty Three is either outrun or HHC, the list goes on. Notably, like in that last example, many of my aliases also have contrasting "sides," though fundamentally still hold the values that make them, them.
I'm happy to be here, and I'm excited to post things in the future! Peaceful tides.~